Our Services

We provide comprehensive financial planning and investment management services, serving clients nationwide through virtual meetings and traditional communication channels.

We prioritize aligning your investment strategy with your specific goals, such as retirement income, wealth transfer, or charitable giving. Despite our lower fees compared to traditional providers, we offer unrestricted client interactions and constant availability via phone, email, and web conference.

Services Included in Flat Retainer Fee

What You Can Expect as a Client

  • We will assess a mutual fit, build rapport, and share about our firm and pricing to affirm the next steps.

  • Focusing on your concerns, goals, and desires will allow us to understand your unique needs and objectives.

  • We will collect any necessary information while helping you sort through your financial life to get you organized.

  • Analyzing and evaluating your current financial status together using our financial planning software.

  • Developing and presenting financial planning strategies. The goal is to commit to implementing the top 1 or 2 recommendations.

  • We will implement the remaining financial planning recommendations together and by utilizing our annual service calendar we will methodically review and update your financial plan throughout the year.

Annual Retainer Fee

  • $300/Month

    * Income less than $250,000

  • $400/Month

    * Income between $250,000 and $500,000

  • $500/Month

    * Income over $500,000 and/or within 10 years of retirement

Financial planning is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Life changes, and so will your plan. We've learned that the true value of financial planning lies in an ongoing relationship.

For every prospective client, we provide a complimentary financial plan. We work through the first five steps listed above for free, giving both you and us a chance to collaborate before committing to an ongoing relationship (Step 6). This initial plan allows us to demonstrate the value we can provide, helps us determine a fair and affordable fee, and reveals the benefits of real financial planning.

In recent decades, there's been a positive shift in financial advice away from transaction-based commissions towards asset-based fees, eliminating incentives for advisors to churn client accounts. However, some industry myths persist.

First, the belief that portfolio size should dictate advisory fees leads to disproportionate profits for firms rather than fair value for investors. Managing a $1,000,000 portfolio doesn't inherently cost more than managing $500,000, yet clients are often charged more for the same services.

Second, advisors compensated by asset percentages may have conflicts of interest, potentially steering clients away from actions like debt reduction or non-managed asset investments.

Third, those without sizable assets often lack access to financial advice, despite having crucial financial questions. This perpetuates a cycle where wealth management, not wealth creation, is prioritized.

At Incline Financial Planning, we're changing this narrative. Our retainer fee structure ensures fair compensation, regardless of portfolio size, offering affordable and unbiased financial guidance tailored to each client's stage in life.

We firmly believe that professional financial advice should be accessible to everyone, and our flat annual retainer fee model ensures fairness and transparency, avoiding the hefty costs associated with traditional asset-based fees.

The difference between a typical 1% investment advisory fee and our flat annual retainer fee over a long period of time can be overwhelming.  If we assume a 7% return on a portfolio, a 1% advisory fee can cost an investor with a $1,000,000 portfolio over $800,000 in lost returns over thirty years when compared to a flat annual retainer fee.

An investor starting with a $1,000,000 account and investing over 30 years will pay advisory fees to the tune of $850,000 in this scenario.  This compares with the $300,000 this investor could have paid under a flat fee structure.  The $550,000 savings figure equates to roughly 15% of the investor’s long-term returns.